

More with Nikki Dutton Podcast

Our founder had the amazing opportunity to visit the more+ with Nikki Dutton podcast. Check it out and tell us what you think! More with Nikki Dutton: 67. Hope and Healing From Sexual Violence – Michelle Price on Apple Podcasts

Meet our newest team member, Andrea!

Please help us welcome the newest member of our team, Andrea Fannin! In response to the sexual abuse she experienced as a small child, Andrea lived a shame-filled life until she was in her 40s. She began using drugs at…

GRACE Graduation

Congratulations to several ladies who graduated from GRACE Group last Thursday! What a night of celebration it was! We are so proud of these ladies, and we cannot wait to see what God does in the next chapter of their…

Help keep the plane in the air!

I would like to introduce you to R3, a special response organization in Florida focused on the rescue and recovery of victims of sex trafficking. How cool is this?!? Please consider a donation at https://r3-special-operations-response-aviation-llc.squar… to help keep the plane…

We need YOU!

Do you have a passion for sexual assault victims and experience with state/federal law, nonprofit organizations, boards of directors, or accounting? GRACE Ministries of Alabama is searching for candidates for our Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving,…

GRACE Group Launch

GRACE Ministries launched another semester of GRACE Group on Thursday, February 2nd and, oh, what a night of breakthrough it was! God is good!

Meet the Team

Jinny is a new addition to GRACE Ministries. Since her early 20s, she has been highly interested in learning more about human trafficking and what she could do to help. Jinny works full-time for a ministry-based tech company, is a…